The financial gifts of every member of our parish, no matter how big or small, are essential for the flourishing of our parish family and the service we are called to offer to our greater community. Thank you for your generous support!
We are grateful for the many parishioners who contribute to the support of our parish. Your gifts ensure the proper maintenance of our parish facilities and make possible the many programs and ministries our parish offers.
Monetary donations may be made online here through Parish Giving.
We can assist with RMD (required minimum distribution) donations from your retirement fund for a tax deduction. For more information, please contact Mary Lopez, Business Manager, online here or call the Parish Office at 703-590-0030.
We also accept gifts of stocks and mutual funds. These donations are handled by the Catholic Diocese of Arlington's Finance Office.
St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School is our parish school. It is located on the campus of Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Woodbridge, VA. For more than 40 years our school has offered a quality Catholic education in the Dominican tradition. Along with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and Our Lady of Angels Parish, we invest in the work and mission of forming the next generation of young Catholic minds. Your support is vital to the continuation of this work.
To contribute to our parish's investment in St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School click here, or you can drop off a check to the Parish Office marked St. Thomas Aquinas Investment.
The annual Bishop's Lenten Appeal, or BLA, sustains more than 40 programs and ministries throughout the diocese, including vocations, parish missions, youth and young adult outreach, religious education, support for family life, charitable works, chancery offices, evangelization efforts, Hispanic apostolates and multicultural ministries, San Damiano Retreat Center, and communications. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this year's BLA in an effort to spread the light and love of Christ to every corner of our diocese.
Donations may be made online here. Please be sure to select Sacred Heart Church as your parish.
For more information, visit
The emergency food and clothing pantry is a non-profit service, staffed by parish volunteers and operated from the Parish Hall each Saturday morning. We are a drive-through pantry open to anyone in need. Clothing is also available for a nominal fee.
Non-perishable food donations may be dropped off in the narthex. Clothing donations may be placed in the red bin behind the church building. Items from our Amazon wish list will be shipped directly to Sacred Heart. Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted. Thank you for your generosity!
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The church is open for personal prayer and food pantry donations until at least 5:00 pm each day (except holidays) and until 8:00 pm on Wednesdays.
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