Many volunteers support the various liturgies celebrated at our parish. Please read through the sections below and prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to use your gifts to support our communal worship.
Boys and girls in grades four through twelve who have received the sacraments of baptism and eucharist are encouraged to become altar servers. Altar servers assist the priest and deacon during Mass and other liturgical ceremonies so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. Responsibilities include carrying the processional cross and candles, holding the book for the priest, carrying the incense and censer, presenting the bread and wine during the preparation of the gifts, assisting the priest in the washing of his hands and ringing the altar bells. No experience necessary. Training is provided.
If your child would like to become an altar server, or for more information, please contact Dcn. Tim Slayter online here or call the Parish Office at 703-590-0030.
Many parishioners are needed to assist in decorating our parish church for the various liturgical seasons and celebrations. Please watch the bulletin for specific opportunities to help, or contact Kelly Thomas online here or at 703-405-2222 for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) assist our priests and deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass if necessary as well as by taking Holy Communion to the sick and/or homebound of our parish family. EMHCs must complete a diocesan training session and commit to serving for a period of five years. Training is offered annually in the spring.
If you would like to serve as an EMHC, or for more information, please contact the Parish Office online here or at 703-590-0030.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass. In the absence of a cantor they recite the Responsorial Psalm. In the absence of a deacon they read the General Intercessions. No experience necessary. Training is provided.
If you would like to become a lector, or for more information, please contact Joe Marshal online
here or at 703-791-4119.
Sacristans are responsible for preparing the altar, credence table and offertory table for Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. They also care for the candles, altar linens, vestments and sacred vessels. No experience necessary. Training is provided.
If you are interested in becoming a sacristan, or for more information, please contact Stacey Shurtliff online here or at 703-330-4433.
Ushers greet and welcome all who come to Mass at our parish. They also assist people with finding a seat, taking up the collection during the offertory and distributing bulletins after Mass. We are in need of additional ushers for all of our Sunday Masses. No experience necessary. Training is provided.
If you are able to serve as an usher, or for more information, please contact Sharon (Mack) Allen online here or call the Parish Office at 703-590-0030.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The church is open for personal prayer and food pantry donations until at least 5:00 pm each day (except holidays) and until 8:00 pm on Wednesdays.
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