Third Friday of Each Month | 7:30 pm | Sacred Heart Chapel
The Filipino-American Ministry of Sacred Heart, or FAM, is a community rooted in prayer that strives to serve our greater parish community with great care, generosity and faith inspired by the four pillars of Dominican spirituality: prayer, study, apostolate (service), and community. During our monthly meetings we gather to pray the rosary, read and reflect on the Sunday readings, share our faith and enjoy fellowship with one another. Strengthened by prayer, study and community, members are encouraged to be active in the various ministries and apostolates of our parish. Each year we participate in Simbang Gabi, a Filipino Advent tradition. All are welcome to join us!
For more information, please contact Alvin and Rose Sese online here or at 703-973-3075. Check out our Facebook page for more news and events.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:30 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The church is open for personal prayer and food pantry donations until at least 5:00 pm each day (except holidays) and until 8:00 pm on Wednesdays.
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