Pastor's Column

Pastor's Column

MARCH 16th

Having begun Holy Lent, a season of penance, we seek to become closer to Jesus by “modeling” our lives on His. Jesus often went off to pray to his Abba; please see Luke 5:16, Matth 14:13 and mark 1:35. So, perhaps do something “agree contra” in Latin meaning, “go against or to act otherwise.” Start a new habit by making time for God in your spiritual life. Turn off the tv, computer, ipad, cell phone, etc...Work on one virtue or habit, not 10 or 20 and try to be consistent. For example, pray the rosary daily, read and meditate on the scriptures daily– lectio divina. Perhaps receive the sacrament of Confession weekly or what about doing a 3-day mini retreat, like our parish Lenten Retreat with Fr. Donald J. Heet, OSFS, former professor at CUA in DC and parochial vicar at St. John Neumann Church in Reston. It is to be hoped perhaps that during the retreat we will learn about St. Francis de Sales. 

There are many good resources to read. The Catechism of the Catholic Church has a very good section on prayer, pages 613-688, well worth the read. St. Francis de Sales Introduction to the Devout Life is another great work written primarily for the laity. The Soul of the Apostolate by Dom Jean Baptiste Chautard OCSO is also good as well as Seeds of Contemplation by Fr. Thomas Merton, OCSO, which is out of print but also very good! Bishop Fulton Sheen has also written several works on Lent, the Passion, vice and virtue...his Life of Christ is considered perhaps his best work of all. I would also recommend the encyclicals of Popes Benedict XVI Spe Salvi and God is Love and Pope St. JP II’s Redeemer of Man, Pope St. Paul VI’s Evengelii Nuntiandi– To Evangelize the World. Finally, Preparation for Death by St. Alphonsus Liguori. There are many good books that can be read but there is no substitute for prayer other than praying, so please make time to pray! As we get closer to Holy Week, attend the Sacred triduum liturgies if you can?


Finally, a brief word of thanks to many who have supported the BLA in the past and also continue to do so in the present. Thank you so much along with your financial support to our parish and regional school St. Thomas Aquinas in Woodbridge. We continue with repairs on our HVAC system. One unit needs a compressor that will be replaced soon and we continue to save money to repair our chapel windows across the street. Please keep in mind that these are expensive and we will budget everything that is appropriate and necessary for our church. Keep our intentions in your prayers as well and may this Holy Lent be for you and your loved ones blessed with many graces!

  -Fr. Holmes 

(Please attend our parish Lenten Retreat April 6th, 7th & 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the church. All are welcome!)

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